If you’re a personal trainer, you’re likely highly motivated by your ability to help other people achieve their goals and enjoy helping as many people as possible. However, there are only so many hours in a day, and therefore only a limited number of people you can help per day. 

Luckily in the digital age, you can exponentially increase the value you provide to your clients and the amount of clients you can assist by implementing the proper technology and content programs. 

Where emails used to be the go-to method for extending offers and educating clients, the percent of emails opened and read is dropping every year. From 2019-2020, the average email open rate dropped more than 4% to only 20% opened. This means that only a fifth of emails sent impact the intended recipient.  

Today, the simplest and most effective way to offer content to clients is via text message, where nearly 98% of texts sent are opened. The best way for personal trainers to implement a text message marketing strategy or to add value to clients via text message is by creating a subscription text service where clients can pay a small monthly fee to have curated or custom training content delivered directly to their phones. 

In this article, we will discuss best practices in developing a subscription text membership for your fitness clients that allows you to provide the most value, bring in recurring revenue, and potentially help an infinite number of people reach their fitness goals. 

Part One: Entice Fitness Clients with Subscription workout Regimens

To immediately show the value for clients to sign up for your text membership program, you should begin by offering scheduled workout regimens that will go to your clients text messages. Whether scheduled daily or weekly, your customers can expect to get a convenient and fresh workout routine at a lower cost than one-on-one training. If you have clients that would like to workout with you more but are limited by cost, this is a great way to help them supplement their training with you. 

You should get creative here! With the US personal training market growing by over 5% from 2016-2021, the more creative and applicable your workout content is, the more likely you are to build customer loyalty and grow your business via word of mouth (*no ad spend!).

How you create the content that you send within your text membership is entirely up to you. You can offer personalized or generic workout regimens, at home fitness tips, strategies for working out on vacation, or any other variation that would appeal to your client base. The content format can be delivered in simple routines typed out in one text message, photo content, or even long form video content sent via a link. 

Part Two: Offer More Value with SMS Nutrition Tips or Diet Plans

Continue to add value to your text program members by supplementing your workout content with nutritional content. As a personal trainer, you’re likely aware of the importance of proper nutrition in achieving fitness goals, as well as the struggles that clients face in this area. 

By adding in nutrition content to your text subscription content, you can help keep clients focused on their goals, further their knowledge of nutrition, and enhance their relationship with food. 

Similar to the workout regimens you release, you can offer personalized nutrition tips, food education, and grocery lists. The idea is to build your relationship with your clients by assisting them in the highest level possible in a method that is reliable and convenient for them. 

Depending on your certification, you may not be able to offer complete nutrition advice but you can still support your clients in their nutrition journey. Visit here for the “dos and don’ts” of offering nutritional advice as a personal trainer. 

Part Three: Don't Forget to Build in Daily or Weekly Motivators

Although you’re communicating with your clients via text message subscription, don’t lose who you are as a personal trainer! You are still their motivator, cheerleader, and biggest fitness supporter—keep that up! Simply sprinkle in motivational or empowering content that will help inspire your clients to stay on course until they see you again.

This little bit of extra content may not seem like much but you never know when someone is having a bad day or struggling to workout and your simple, positive text reminder may be just the push they need to continue on their journey. 

Use Subflow to Effortlessly Manage Your Subscription Fitness Content

If you’re ready to get started helping your current clients at a larger capacity and bring in recurring revenue each month, use Subflow to get your SMS subscription service started today. 

At no upfront cost, you can begin to create personalized fitness content that will allow the freedom and flexibility to evolve your personal training business however you’d like. 

Benefits of Subflow’s Advance Features:

  • Collect Subscription Payments & Deposit Funds into Your Bank
  • You choose the frequency of payments and cost of products to customers with no additional collection responsibility.
  • Unlimited Subscribed Members
  • Have as many SMS members as you want without raising your rates.
  • Unlimited Subscription Products
  • Create an unlimited number of SMS content plans without raising your rates.
  • Easy SMS Product Creation
  • Simple to implement and easy to edit the content you deliver to subscribers.
  • Two-Way Texting Through Subflow
  • Have real time, one-on-one conversations with your subscribers to provide additional value and build connections.
  • Dashboard Management of All Products & Conversations
  • Efficiently manage any incoming text messages or products via the Subflow Product Dashboard.

If you’re ready to take your business and your clients to the next level, reach out to an account manager at Subflow today for a live demo and better understand how Subflow can be the best tool in your business tool belt.