SMS is changing the retail game.

If you’re not on board with an SMS platform, it’s time to reconsider. When asked how they want to stay in the loop with a brand, 48% of survey respondents said they prefer receiving text updates. Sure, texting subscribers is the fastest way to get their eyes on important information like promotions and coupons, but it’s also an incredible way to build rapport with customers.

Basic Examples of SMS Content

SMS is widely used by businesses of all sizes. Fortune 500 companies and content creators alike can reap the benefits of a sustainable SMS strategy. You’ve likely seen some of these common strategies used by companies:

  • Opt-in campaigns
  • Welcome campaigns
  • Promotional campaigns
  • Flash sales
  • Abandoned cart campaigns
  • Birthday campaigns
  • Product launch campaigns
  • Rewards program campaigns

Subflow brings more depth to the average SMS strategy. We built a content delivery platform that puts you in the driver’s seat and prompts your followers to engage more with your brand. We’re different when stacked against the competition because we prioritize connection. Sure, texting coupons and BOGO deals to your audience is effective, but what if your business took the time to create customer-centric content? 

See our texting perks up close by opting into our 14-day free trial.

Today, we’re bringing you some innovative SMS Strategies beyond the “cookie cutter” approaches to spark creativity. 

QR Code Opt-In

One Subflow user put QR codes in specific store aisles for customers to scan. Rather than a quick “Thanks for subscribing” message, customers got specific tips and tricks for the category of items in the aisle where they scanned.

Subflow makes it easy to cater to your audience and deliver diverse content with unbeatable engagement rates. Talk about personalized content!

Paid Subscription Campaigns

Give recipients the option to be a VIP. Subflow makes it even easier by equipping users with the tools they need to nurture an existing SMS subscriber to a new paid subscriber to exclusive content.

Automatically accept payment through our secure platform, deliver content straight to your audience, and follow up with paying subscribers like a pro.

SMS Birthday Campaigns

Celebrate your subscribers with a personalized birthday message on their special day. A little customer appreciation goes a long way! Throwing in a promo or freebie doesn’t hurt, either. 

Take the Red Robin birthday campaign below for example.

Why it works: Red Robin nails this campaign with an attention-grabbing photo, clear copy, and easy CTA buttons. The subscriber doesn’t have any heavy lifting on their end. The coupon is already applied to their account. Fine print outlines the promo expiration details.

Add a Welcome Graphic in Your SMS Strategy

Show your appreciation to subscribers by giving them a warm welcome. Include a quick reminder of the value they have to look forward to. Spice things up more by adding a one-time discount code. Personalize your outgoing message with brand messaging and some personality.

Why it works: The brand presents its differentiator and value add right away. SkinTe also presents a clear CTA for subscribers to follow a shopping link. For compliance, there’s also an opportunity for subscribers to unsubscribe from texts at any time.

SMS for Community Building

SMS marketing has so much untapped potential when it comes to community building. You can create a genuine community for subscribers that reaches beyond BOGO deals and flash sales by delivering community-centric content like videos and podcasts. 

Why it works: This fun SMS engages subscribers and allows them to reply in “real time.” Hydrant shows off its brand personality, making its SMS strategy memorable.

Personalized Engagement with SMS

We all know the gross feeling of getting constant sales pitch texts. A bullet-proof SMS strategy prioritizes the importance of personalization. Using the subscriber’s first name and sending relevant content speaks volumes about your brand.

Why it works: The fitness trainer uses the subscriber’s first name and creates a clear CTA for them to follow. Jess gets the high-touch customer service experience, and Seth will get the feedback about the workout and any needs for adjustment on future content.

SMS Loyalty Program 

A little customer appreciation goes a long way. Loyalty programs are a great way to generate leads and nurture existing ones. They’re versatile enough to be used in any niche—from eCommerce to Content Creators. 

Why it works: Thread explains the perks of the loyalty program right away and offers a clear CTA to follow the hyperlink. Customers reap the benefits of double points on special loyalty program days.

Before You Go

When in doubt, think like a customer. Look at the SMS marketing texts you get and evaluate why you stay subscribed. Do the companies you gravitate toward engage with you regularly? Are you enrolled in an impressive loyalty program? Do they go the extra mile to show customer appreciation? 

At Subflow, we’re passionate about helping businesses connect with people, not just numbers.

Are you eager to connect with customers on a more genuine level while also increasing your ROI?

Click here to create a free Subflow account